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An Orthogonal Universe

a digital novel by r. watson

Table of Contents

{title page}     {latest}

{ In Medias Res }


{ Chapter 1. A Leaf Floating Amongst the Water's Ripples }

{ Prologue }


{ Chapter 2. John Bartlebee }

{ Division 1. The Scholar Extraordinaire }
{ Division 2. History of the Wiener Dog }


{ Chapter 3. Sheridan }

{ Division 3. The Mathematician }
{ Division 4. The Whim of the Highway }
{ Division 5. The Homeward-Bound Traveller }
{ Division 6. The Introductions }
{ Division 7. The Orthogonal Universe }


{ Chapter 4. The Constellation }

{ Division 8. The Sky }
{ Division 9. The Slogan }


{ Chapter 5. Sheridan's Lemma }

{ Division 10. Utterly Impossible }
{ Division 11. The Will-Away }
{ Division 12. The Limit }
{ Division 13. The Bluff of Athens }
{ Division 14. The Ascent }


{ Chapter 6. Mingo }

{ Division 15. The Smile }
{ Division 16. The Wind-Dragons }

{ Promotional Poster : Stage 1 }

{ Stage I : A Foundation in Wisdom }


{ Chapter 7. Marcus Numus Tullis }

{ Scene 1. The World Up Until Now }
{ Scene 2. A Monster of Great Proportions }
{ Scene 3. The Good Sons and Daughters }
{ Scene 4. The Frost-Breath }
{ Scene 5. Marcus' Tower }

{ Act I : The Non-Existence Proof }


{ Chapter 8. Master Sophus }

{ Scene 6. The Void }
{ Scene 7. The Existence }


{ Chapter 9. Marcus Defends the Village }

{ Scene 8. The Fountain }
{ Scene 9. The Proof }


{ Chapter 10. Marcus Attends a Dinner in his Honor }

{ Scene 10. The "Oh, Really?" Factor }
{ Scene 11. The Ring of Twelve Hands }


{ Chapter 11. Marcus Receives Advice From Master Sophus }

{ Scene 12. The Argument }
{ Scene 13. The Conference }
{ Scene 14. The Parting Gift }

{ Act II : The Quest for a Quest }


{ Chapter 12. Marcus' Conversation With the Highway }

{ Scene 15. The Reflection }
{ Scene 16. The Whisper }


{ Chapter 13. Marcus' Conversation With the Brook }

{ Scene 17. The Importance of Good Hygiene }
{ Scene 18. The Brook Offers Some Advice }


{ Chapter 14. Vasigari }

{ Scene 19. Marcus' Advice to the Trees }
{ Scene 20. The Fox Paw }
{ Scene 21. Vasigari's Request }


{ Chapter 15. Cisero }

{ Scene 22. The Sign }
{ Scene 23. The Man With Amber Eyes }
{ Scene 24. The Promise of Fame }


{ Chapter 16. The Other Legend }

{ Scene 25. Morally Right }
{ Scene 26. The Quotes }
{ Scene 27. Elm's Objection }
{ Scene 28. The History of the Idol }


{ Chapter 17. The Wise Man }

{ Scene 29. The Ascent }
{ Scene 30. The Paper Tape }
{ Scene 31. The Advice }
{ Scene 32. The Peculiar Song }


{ Chapter 18. Peoria }

{ Scene 33. The Three-Way Decision }
{ Scene 34. The Permutatoric Verses }


{ Chapter 19. The World in a Leaf }

{ Scene 35. The Little Journey }
{ Scene 36. Peoria Would Be a Bird }
{ Scene 37. The Tale of the Falling Leaves }
{ Scene 38. The Deal }

{ Act III : The Idol of Trey }


{ Chapter 20. The Forests' Formation }

{ Scene 39. The Wind, The Patterns }
{ Scene 40. The Existence Continued }


{ Chapter 21. The Priests }

{ Scene 41. The Tutor }
{ Scene 42. Juna, Tanonoi, and Ciscaforn }
{ Scene 43. The Cool Breeze }
{ Scene 44. The Key }


{ Chapter 22. The Great Voyage }

{ Scene 45. The Farewell }
{ Scene 46. The Tale of the Falling Water }
{ Scene 47. Peoria's Conversation With the Highway }
{ Scene 48. The Contemplation }
{ Scene 49. The Screech and Strain }


{ Chapter 23. Everywhere and Nowhere }

{ Scene 50. LuLinty and Kran }
{ Scene 51. Vontergeice's Help }
{ Scene 52. The Fork }


{ Chapter 24. The Tree of Decisions }

{ Scene 53. The Curious Little Man }
{ Scene 54. The Confusion of Trees }


{ Chapter 25. Ilia's Temple }

{ Scene 55. The Door }
{ Scene 56. Ilia, The Priestess }
{ Scene 57. The Idol }


{ Chapter 26. The Philosophy of Many Hands }

{ Scene 58. Lenrek; or, The Kernel }
{ Scene 59. Gonsig and Barrdy }
{ Scene 60. The Jailbreak }
{ Scene 61. The Psuedo-Random Numbers }
{ Scene 62. The Tide }


{ Chapter 27. The Point in Time }

{ Scene 63. The Point in Time }
{ Scene 64. The Memory }

{ Act IV : The Defense of Research }


{ Chapter 28. The Re-Union }

{ Scene 65. The Reductio ad Absurdum }
{ Scene 66. The Submission of Work }
{ Scene 67. The Plan }
{ Scene 68. Peoria's Tale }
{ Scene 69. The Black Waterfall }
{ Scene 70. The Conversation With the Highway }


{ Chapter 29. The Peer Review }

{ Scene 71. The Referee }
{ Scene 72. The Defense }


{ Chapter 30. What Peoria Witnessed }

{ Scene 73. The Oversight }
{ Scene 74. The Promise }
{ Scene 75. Something Hidden, Something There }

Special Pages


{ Illustrations Gallery }

* * * N O T I C E * * *

Compilations 0 through 325 will be pulled on 27 July, 2012.
For more information, see { link }.